About us
In 2020 a small number of us started meeting together to pray and ask God about His vision for Cambridge and beyond. We soon realised that God was drawing ordinary people of different denominations together to pray and worship and to bear witness to Jesus outside the centre of Cambridge.
Some had begun to meet weekly on Christ's Pieces. Similar times of prayer worship and witness about Jesus were repeated on Good Friday, Easter day and Pentecost weekend and in December outside great Saint Mary's on Kings Parade and on Parkers Piece. On Ash Wednesday we processed with a cross from Parker's Piece to Addenbrooke's Hospital before holding a simple act of prayer and preaching there. These acts of witness continue in Cambridge.
We see prayer as central in bringing about God's purposes, so a regular fortnightly prayer meeting is taking place in the centre of Cambridge, looking to the Lord for revival. As we gather at those times, the Holy Spirit brings a great sense of expectancy and unity; there is a great joy in the presence of Jesus.
Come and join us! It is exciting. The Lord is at hand.